Our Beliefs
We are a people of expansive faith.
Belief can be a scary thing to talk about when it is used to keep people out. Many of us have left unhealthy faith spaces, or have grown out of previous places we used to belong to. Many are looking for a community of faith that is more spacious, more authentic, and that makes more room for wondering, complexity, doubt, and pain; that stands with those suffering injustice and fights for joy and life. We see belief as dynamic, and different for each person, so we encourage questions and creativity, ultimately trusting that God is doing the work of shaping us each into who we are created to be.
You’re invited - to healing & belonging, just as you are, wherever you are.

We are a both/and people - focused on Jesus & justice, historic & innovative, authentic & activist.
We are committed to our turf.
We are on an inward and outward journey.
We are committed to the poor.
We pursue holistic ministry.
We recognize women and men in leadership together.
We affirm the full dignity and leadership of LGBTQ folks.
We are relational.
We are committed to bridge building.

LaSalle Street Church Mission Statement
LaSalle Street Church seeks to be a diverse community
that worships Jesus Christ and responds to His claims and call
by pursuing authentic relationships,
genuine service with others,
and participation in the broader Christian church.