We’re excited to meet your child and encourage them in their journey of spiritual growth and finding their place in the church community.
Our dedicated staff and leaders are trained under our pastoral team, use a thoughtfully designed curriculum, and rely on a combination of Bible-centered and creative experiences to help kids learn the basics of loving Jesus, knowing justice, and being able to bring all of who they are to church. Explore the diverse opportunities that await your child as we partner together in laying a strong foundation for their faith and belonging at LaSalle.
NURSERY (birth-2yrs)
Our Nursery is located in the lower level of the church building and is staffed most Sundays from 9:30 a.m. until the end of Service.
After service, we provide childcare for this age group on the second floor of our Cornerstone Building during our adult classes.
KIDS CHURCH (ages 3 yrs - 6yrs)
Our PreK - Kindergarten kids are invited to their class during the worship service. Kids Church is located in the lower level of the church building. This room is also staffed beginning at 9:30 a.m. for any kiddos having a hard time in the Sanctuary.
After service, we provide childcare on the second floor of our Cornerstone Building during our adult classes.
ELEMENTARY (1st - 6th grades)
Our elementary aged kids are invited to Sunday School during the worship service on 1st and 3rd Sundays. Younger elementary (grades 1-3) meet in Cornerstone room 300 and Upper Elementary (grades 4-6) meet in Cornerstone room 308.
After Service on 1st and 3rd Sundays, our elementary aged kids are invited to our Kids Community Hour in room 300 for games, art, snack, and fellowship.
Check out what your kids are doing this Sunday.
Youth Ministry
Grades 7-12
At LaSalle, we're not just inviting youth to be part of our community; we are striving to empower them to become integral leaders in shaping it. Our Youth Ministry is a space where young minds are encouraged to explore their faith, cultivate their passions, and lean into the various spaces to make a lasting impact.
Worshiping in community is a large part of faith development for teenagers. For that reason, youth are invited to be in service with their families or sit together in the pews. Youth are also invited to help lead us by using their gifts on our Sunday morning teams.
Our formal Youth Group time is after service every 1st and 3rd Sunday from 11:30 - 12:30 p.m. in Cornerstone room 308. In Youth Group, we are focusing on fun, learning, discussion, and prayer for one another. We’ll address topics of faith, living in our world, as well as planning times of service for our congregation to engage with on our Serve Sundays.
We also have an intentional discipleship program for youth called Affirmations. Affirmations is an 8-month class and mentoring based program culminating in a time of public affirmation of faith in a Worship Service. Youth will spend the class time learning from a pastor or leader from LaSalle about their faith and the Church. They are also paired with an adult mentor for monthly meetings that work through a devotional and look at living our faith in the real world.
To learn more about our youth ministry, reach out to Pastor Brent Bailey.