by Sharon WIlliams

As I “bid farewell” to my Lasalle Street Church and Cornerstone Center family and enter into the next chapter in my life’s story, it is a true time of reflection.   Looking back on my journey at LSC, I am amazed at just how deeply my roots have grown into the foundation here and become a “cornerstone” in the fabric of this community.  It is so deep that it is hard to imagine not coming to work and entering the doors of Cornerstone Center or no longer being the Gatekeeper to the LaSalle Street Church office and the Hub through which so many things, activities, and people flow.  

Making things happen when, at times, I didn’t know how they would happen myself...  During those times, I would have to say “BUT GOD” …  In those moments, I see His hand and footprints, a reminder that I could always turn to God and trust that He would provide." 

He was (and is) always faithful and never failed to put people or things in place when I needed them most.  If I didn’t have an answer or the knowledge to get something done, I could always count on the fact that one or more of my LSC/CC staff family members did! That is the beauty of our team, we are always there for one another, providing support and encouragement.  What a blessing it has been to serve alongside each and every one of them, past and present. 

I never imagined it would be so hard “just to let go!”  But I must admit, it is bittersweet and so hard to fathom, no longer being on staff and no longer being the liaison between the staff, congregants, Cornerstone Center tenants, and visitors. It is a role I treasure and that I will truly miss.  

Looking back on my time working at LaSalle, it all began before coming on staff.  I grew up and raised my children in the Cabrini Green Community.  Many would say the Cabrini Housing Projects, but for my family and me, it was a community. One filled with families and friends who always looked out for and cared about one another.   

There were many social service programs and churches in and around our community that provided alternatives to just hanging around or not being exposed to things and opportunities outside of the neighborhood.  LaSalle Street Church happened to be one of the churches that was a safe and bridging place between the housing developments and the Gold Coast.  

LaSalle’s ministries and other church affiliates helped shape the lives of many people who lived in our community, mine included.  The LaSalle Street C.Y.C.L.E (Community Youth Creative Learning Experience) Ministry was one of the outreach ministries that was beyond amazing. My children were participants for many years in the summer and after-school programs which provided them tutoring and mentoring and Jr. Staffing job opportunities. It was there, that the seeds of possibilities were planted within my children “to do more, to be more” and to go beyond the parameters of Cabrini Green.  

I too am a product of C.Y.C.L.E!  A stay-at-home mom who was provided an opportunity to put my certification in administrative training to use, first as a parent volunteer in the office, then becoming a staff member, the first Administrative Assistant to the Executive Director (Greg Darnider). C.Y.C.L.E’s beloved Office Manager and Community Activist, Mrs. Jaunita White took me under her wings and became my mentor and friend. She instilled in me my work ethic and skillset and many other qualities I am so fondly known for at LaSalle.  Seven years later, my journey to LaSalle Street Church came full circle, thanks to Kim Zimmerman, a dear friend and former LSC congregant and staff member, who recommended me for my position at LaSalle Street Church and The LaSalle Foundation.   

Yes, my family and I are deeply rooted at LaSalle Street Church. My parents even have a memorial brick paver laid in the park outside of the sanctuary building!  Therefore, I am so grateful for the opportunity to share my story.   

Last but not least, I have to say to the LSC Community, leadership, staff, and lifelong friends made along the way, that it has been a joy and a blessing to serve you and to worship with you.  But most of all, I want you to know that my time here has been more than a job!  You blessed me in so many ways and allowed me to grow in ministry at such a special place and be of service to others. 

Thank you for giving me a seat at the table and encouraging me to know that “I Am Enough.”   

LSC, you will always be held “in the Center of my heart!” 

Sharon Purifoy Willams, AKA The Office Queen Bee